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by renatohef
09 Jun 2021, 02:19
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.6e
Replies: 8
Views: 74079

Re: Fanaleds 2.6e

Bose321 wrote:
08 Jun 2021, 10:43
Follow our readme to set up the games. Forza does not need a dll or something. Just some other configuration.
The configuration worked

Thank very much
by renatohef
08 Jun 2021, 04:31
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.6e
Replies: 8
Views: 74079

Re: Fanaleds 2.6e

I did the download but there is same mistake in Forza Horizon 4. When I save configuration FH4 the app doesn't create file "dll" in my laptop. I'm doing similar Euro Truck Simulator 2. Will I need to make a different configuration? Observation: I have a Logitech G27. When I select FH4 the ...