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by Paul Wickham
22 Feb 2014, 20:04
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: ClupSport Pedal - brake peda vibration in rFactor 2 question
Replies: 7
Views: 7762

Re: ClupSport Pedal - brake peda vibration in rFactor 2 ques

Nice one, hope you enjoy them as much as I do mine. :)
by Paul Wickham
22 Feb 2014, 12:37
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: ClupSport Pedal - brake peda vibration in rFactor 2 question
Replies: 7
Views: 7762

Re: ClupSport Pedal - brake peda vibration in rFactor 2 ques

You thinking about it I am sure I did have rumble when I first got the pedals, I am wondering if it was when I got either the Leo Bodnar Button box or the Siminstruments display that it went...Maybe it is the amount of USB devises or something related?
by Paul Wickham
21 Feb 2014, 20:42
Forum: Open discussion
Topic: ClupSport Pedal - brake peda vibration in rFactor 2 question
Replies: 7
Views: 7762

Re: ClupSport Pedal - brake peda vibration in rFactor 2 ques

The difference is more than just that that vibration motor, and the vibration motor in itself is not worth the cost...If you follow me, it has not been working with Fana up to now, but after letting the devs lose in my computer I expect that will be addressed in the next build. Point is if you are t...
by Paul Wickham
20 Dec 2013, 20:27
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.1
Replies: 7
Views: 8261

Re: Fanaleds 2.1

Never hibernate...But I have not rebooted today since the reinstall, the software has always just run without issues other than documented bugs through the build sequence, but that sounds a likely explanation for the odd behaviour right enough, so I will reboot the system, put the plugins back and a...
by Paul Wickham
20 Dec 2013, 16:50
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.1
Replies: 7
Views: 8261

Re: Fanaleds 2.1

rF2 runs for I guess as long as it takes to load plugins then CTD's Also oddly even after removing the plugin it is still reporting plugin out of date??? I wonder if it picking it up from my other build somehow...nope just removed the plugin from there too. Damn odd :? Oh Fanaleds never seems to cra...
by Paul Wickham
20 Dec 2013, 16:05
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.1
Replies: 7
Views: 8261

Re: Fanaleds 2.1

Also just found rF2 now crashes with Fanaleds installed, this is the report "Failled to create shared memory map" (sic)
by Paul Wickham
20 Dec 2013, 15:35
Forum: Releases
Topic: Fanaleds 2.1
Replies: 7
Views: 8261

Re: Fanaleds 2.1

Hi Guys,

The software keeps reporting I have out of date plugin for rf2, I have added it manually, reinstalled and let the software do it, but it still reports with the plugin out of date message.
by Paul Wickham
12 Oct 2013, 23:38
Forum: Off topic
Topic: Fanaleds challenge with awesome prizes
Replies: 6
Views: 20710

Re: Fanaleds challenge with awesome prizes

Yeah, the air was turning blue I can tell you. I tried 4 different browsers, none would let me update. In the end I worked out how to do it manually...Don't understand what was going on it has been updating fine up to now :roll: Ah well, hope you guys had fun. :)
by Paul Wickham
12 Oct 2013, 20:35
Forum: Off topic
Topic: Fanaleds challenge with awesome prizes
Replies: 6
Views: 20710

Re: Fanaleds challenge with awesome prizes

Sorry guys, the software refused to update, been trying all day and by the time it was sorted...Well just too late :(
by Paul Wickham
07 Sep 2013, 19:54
Forum: Off topic
Topic: Fanaleds challenge with awesome prizes
Replies: 6
Views: 20710

Re: Fanaleds challenge with awesome prizes

Heh already sent the PM via iRacing to register :D