iRacing with DashMeterPro settings

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iRacing with DashMeterPro settings

Post by SimRacer92 »

Hey guys!
As I am using my ClubSport Wheel with the DashMeterPro for iRacing Android app, I made a profile which is nearly perfectly synced with the data from the App. So the rev leds are set to the level where they light up in the app and also the shift timing is set to that level of the app.
For me, it works great!For some, the lights maybe are lighting up too fast.. But I think when you use the DashMeterPro app, you dont wanna have different revs lighting up on different rpm's...

If you have any suggestions to make a value better, let me know!


Remember to make a back-up in case you want to revert your previous settings. These profiles will also overwrite ALL other settings for the specific game!
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Re: iRacing with DashMeterPro settings

Post by BARMotorsport »

Sorry, kind of new to this... what exactly do I do with the .xml file... I would like my shift lights to match if possible?


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Re: iRacing with DashMeterPro settings

Post by Bose321 »

It's not really user-friendly right now, but I've written a little how-to:

We hope to improve this method in the future. Please keep in mind that overwriting a profile will overwrite all settings for the game.
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iRacing with DashMeterPro settings

Post by LeoBonilha »

Someone would have an updated profile iRacing to use in falaneds?

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