This is what I've come up so far:
Code: Select all
// AC memorymap is 252 bytes long, Name: Local\acpmf
// While being built by the same people as NKPro, the map is completely different.
struct AssettoCorsaMap {
int unknown1;
char carname[32];
char trackname[32];
int unknown2[2];
int gear; // -1 for R, 0 for N, 1 for 1, etc...
int rpm;
int maxrpm;
int unknown3[9];
float clutch; // not sure
float throttle;
float brake;
float unknown4[2]; // clutch here would make more sense (untested)
float speed; // in meters/second
float unknown5[4];
unsigned int laptime; // realtime
unsigned int lastlaptime; // not sure
unsigned int bestlaptime; // not sure
float gforce_x;
float gforce_y;
float gforce_z;
int unknown6[17]; // most remaining values seem to reflect acceleration values
Have fun developing.