Hardware Tab Empty

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Joined: 18 Sep 2021, 19:06

Hardware Tab Empty

Post by GoodKaT »

Hi, I try to make FanaLED work for a few versions now.
It install properly and seem to work as intended but by looking closer, it doesnt. Diagnostic test seem to do nothing and the hardware tab remains empty.

I have a G923, I initially thought my pb was because it was not supported 2 versions ago but even now with the latest 2.6g the hardware tab is empty.
On the Info panel, Status, Game and Car are correctly detected. Now on 2.6g even the Wheel is set to G923 as intended. But Pedals and Display remain to none not matter what I try.

I am not really sure of what is happening here except it should not behave like that so I am asking for help to make it work ;) I uninstall and re instal properly multiple times, on multiple versions with no more success. Everything with admin privilege etc. Everytime it's the same issues.

So maybe you will have an idea :idea: on why the hardware tab remain empty and why the diagnostic tab do nothing.
Thanks for your time :P

Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Sep 2021, 19:06

Re: Hardware Tab Empty

Post by GoodKaT »

Well I really want to use and enjoy Fanaled but I am starting to loose hope to make it work with my G923.

I have no clue on why it not work, no one is helping and I don't even have a simple acknowledgement from the dev team. Don't let me alone...

Please :cry: Help!

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