Fanaleds 2.2e released

Posted on 18-07-2014 by Gerben Bol

Fanaleds 2.2e just went live which should fix a few bugs that were discovered after Fanaleds 2.2c. Among these fixes is a memory leak which was discovered by one of our users. We strongly recommend users to update their version of Fanaleds. The long-requested support for the 64-bit version of rFactor 2 also included.

One of our users found out that while leaving Fanaleds running for a while that it started to consume quite some RAM. After some looking around we have found that there was a memory look. We therefore strongly recommend to update to Fanaleds 2.2e. Users that were having issues with that Fanatec Clubsport Pedals or Logitech G27 not being recognized should also find no more trouble. The 64-bit version of rFactor 2 is finally supported to enjoy. Please note that you have to manually copy the 64-bit version of the Fanaleds plugin to the rFactor 2 folder.

Fanaleds quote

Steve Ford

"This is a must have for Fanatec wheel owners."