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Posted on 16-02-2025 by Gerben
We have released Fanaleds 2.6k which adds support for F1 24.
Posted on 27-06-2023 by Gerben Bol
We have just released Fanaleds 2.6j. This is a minor update that adds support for F1 2023. The supported game list on our website is also up to date. Enjoy racing!
Posted on 29-05-2021 by Gerben Bol
Today is a big launch! We are happy to release Fanaleds 2.6e with support for the Logitech G923 wheels and also for Forza Horizon 4 and Forza Motorsport 7! We have received great interest in adding support for the new Logitech G923 and we have recently had a good chat with Logitech. They were happy to help us out so we could make you guys happy. After a long beta testing period we think it's now time for everyone it. For those people racing on Forza, you are now able to have support for your wheels on there!
Posted on 19-07-2020 by Gerben Bol
We have pushed out a hotfix for the previous version. A lot of users were getting reports from their anti virus software about a possible threat. Luckily there was nothing to worry about. We did however found the cause of this. We have now removed profile switching with keyboard presses in favour of getting falsely blacklisted as a keylogger by anti virus software. You're still perfectly safe if you're using the previous version, this version does not contain any other changes.
Posted on 15-07-2020 by Gerben Bol
Who would've thought we would release two new version on one day? Fanaleds 2.5y brings support to Automobilista 2, GRID 2019. Furthermore the truckers amongst us should be able to enjoy Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator support again! Keep in mind that plug-ins for rFactor, rFactor 2, rFactor Pro, Automobilista, ETS2 and ATS must be upgraded with a new release.
Posted on 15-07-2020 by Gerben Bol
Today we have a nice fresh update for you to use! We are excited to report that Codemasters F1 2019 and F1 2020 now have native support which makes it a lot easier to use, and it allows you to fully enjoy these titles. We have also improved the rFactor, rFactor 2, and rFactor Pro plugins. Please remember to replace the plug-ins before use. Furthermore we have improved the SimPrecision LCD support, so check that out if you own that display.
Posted on 11-12-2019 by Gerben Bol
The latest version of Fanaleds is here with a few welcome changes. We've added support for the Japanese version of Assetto Corsa, and made some improvements for RaceRoom Experience and iRacing. Also the update checker for Fanaleds will now use a secure HTTPS connection.
Posted on 30-10-2019 by Gerben Bol
The latest version of Fanaleds has just been released with some great new features. Fanaleds 2.5l includes support for the new DD1 and DD2 wheelbases and F1 wheel from Fanatec. Codemasters DiRT Rally 2.0 is now also supported along with the legacy mode for F1 2019. rFactor Pro x64 users should now also be able to enjoy the support of Fanaleds.
Posted on 19-12-2018 by Gerben Bol
Before the end of the year we have released a great new release of Fanaleds. In Fanaleds 2.5g there is now support for the games F1 2018 and Assetto Corsa Competizione. There's also new hardware support for the Fanatec McLaren rim and Precision Sim Engineering LCD screen. Keep in mind that F1 2018 needs to be in lagacy telemetry mode in order for it to work. Enjoy racing and don't forget to spend some time with your loved ones this month. ;)
Posted on 02-05-2018 by Gerben Bol
We've released a quick hotfix that should fix some locking issues. The update check caused this and is now checking slower. We are working on a permanent fix. If you're having this problem we advice to update to this version.
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