American Truck Simulator / Euro Truck Simulator 2
- Copy the "FanaLEDsPluginETS2.dll" plugin from the "additional\ETS2 Plugin" folder in the Fanaleds installation folder.
- Paste this file in the "bin\win_x86\plugins" folder in the Euro Truck Simulator 2 installation folder. Example: D:\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x86\plugins.
- If the plugins folder does not yet exists, create it.
- If you're using the x64 version of the game also make sure to copy that version of the plugin!
Assetto Corsa
Users of Fanatec wheels should disable the native LED support. Go to the settings in-game and search for the "FANATEC LEDS" option and set it to "DISABLED". This way the game does not interfere with Fanaleds.
Assetto Corsa Competizione
Users of Fanatec wheels should disable the native LED support. Go to the settings in-game and search for the "FANATEC LEDS" option and set it to "DISABLED". This way the game does not interfere with Fanaleds.
- For version 1.5.2 of the game open the controls.json file located in this folder: %userprofile%\Documents\Assetto Corsa Competizione\Config\
- Change the value for the option 'enableManufacturerExtras' to 'false'. The default value is set to 'true'.
Automobilista 2
- Go to 'options' and select 'SYSTEM'.
- Find the 'Shared Memory' setting, and set it to 'Project CARS 2'.
- The UDP settings shouldn't be altered and are not neccecary for Fanaleds to function.
- Open "game-settings.ini" which is located in the following folder: C:\Users\your username\Documents\\settings
- Look for the line that starts with "outgaugeEnabled"
- Change the value from "false" to "true"
- Make sure the "outgaugePort" value from matches the one in Fanaleds. The default value is "4444".
Codemasters (DiRT, F1, GRID)
- Open "hardware_settings_config.xml" which is located in your savegame folder of the game. For instance: C:\Users\your username\Documents\My Games\DiRT3\hardwaresettings
- Open this file and look for a line that begins with:
- <motion enabled
- Replace this line with:
- <motion enabled="true" ip="" port="30500" delay="1" extradata="3" />
- Add this line to cancel interference from native support:
- <led_display nativeSupport="false" fanatecNativeSupport="false" />
F1 2015, 2016, 2017
- Open "hardware_settings_config.xml" which is located in your savegame folder of the game. For instance: C:\Users\your username\Documents\My Games\F1 2016\hardwaresettings
- Look for the line that starts with "<udp0 enabled"
- Replace this line with:
- <udp0 enabled="true" ip="" port="30500" />
- Also look for the line that starts with "<led_display fanatecNativeSupport"
- Replace this line with:
- <led_display fanatecNativeSupport="false" sliProNativeSupport="false" />
F1 2018
In order to make F1 2018 work, make sure the following options are set:
- D-BOX: Off
- Fanatec LED: Off
- SLI Pro LED: Off
- UDP Telemetry: On
- UDP Broadcast Mode: Off
- UDP IP Address:
- UDP Port: 30500
- UDP Send Rate: 60Hz
- UDP Format: Legacy
F1 2019
Available since FanaLEDs v2.5q
In order to make F1 2019 work, make sure the following options are set:
- D-BOX: Off
- Fanatec LED: Off
- SLI Pro LED: Off
- UDP Telemetry: On
- UDP Broadcast Mode: Off
- UDP IP Address:
- UDP Port: 30500
- UDP Send Rate: 60Hz (slower rates also work)
- UDP Format: 2019
Advanced users can also use different settings, just make sure to mirror the IP and PORT settings with your FanaLEDs OutSim variables.
- D-BOX: Off
- Fanatec LED: Off
- SLI Pro LED: Off
- UDP Telemetry: On
- UDP Broadcast Mode: On
- UDP IP Address:
- UDP Port: 32190
- UDP Send Rate: 30Hz
- UDP Format: 2019
F1 2020
Available since FanaLEDs v2.5x
In order to make F1 2020 work, make sure the following options are set:
- D-BOX: Off
- Fanatec LED: Off
- SLI Pro LED: Off
- UDP Telemetry: On
- UDP Broadcast Mode: Off
- UDP IP Address:
- UDP Port: 30500
- UDP Send Rate: 60Hz (slower rates also work)
- UDP Format: 2020
Advanced users can also use different settings, just make sure to mirror the IP and PORT settings with your FanaLEDs OutSim variables.
- D-BOX: Off
- Fanatec LED: Off
- SLI Pro LED: Off
- UDP Telemetry: On
- UDP Broadcast Mode: On
- UDP IP Address:
- UDP Port: 32190
- UDP Send Rate: 30Hz
- UDP Format: 2020
Forza Horizon 4 / Motorsport 7
If you play Forza Horizon 4 and Motorsport 7 from the Microsoft Store you will most likely need to apply a little configuration before you can use Fanaleds. Microsoft Store games (UWP) use a protection that prevents UDP data from being fetched on the same device.
- Download and install 'Windows 8 AppContainer Loopback Utility'.
- Open the app and search for 'Forza Horizon 4' or 'Forza Motorsport 7' in the 'DisplayName' column.
- Tick the box in front of the game and press the 'Save Changes' button.
If you get an error while saving there is something corrupt in Windows. Only a reinstall will fix that.
No errors? Good, let's continue.
- Open the game and go to settings, HUD and Gameplay, and scroll down.
- Enable the 'Data out' option
- Set the 'Data out IP address' to ''
- Set the 'Data out IP port' to the same value as in Fanaleds. The default port is 30500.
You are now ready to play!
Game Stock Car
- Before playing you need to install the Game Stock Car plugin. This file should be located in the "additional\rFactor plugin" folder in the Fanaleds installation path.
- Copy the "FanaLEDsPlugin.dll" file to your "Game Stock Car\Plugins" folder. Example: D:\Game Stock Car\Plugins
- Turn off the native Fanatec and Logitech LED Support in the options menu to cancel interference from iRacing.
Live for Speed
- Make sure your Live for Speed copy is up to date (0.6B)
- Open cfg.txt in your main Live for Speed folder (where the LFS.exe is)
- Find the line that says "OutGauge Mode" and change the number behind it to a 1 or 2.
- Change your OutGauge port to 30000 Save and exit the file.
- Open LFS.exe and press "/". Directly after that type "insim=29999" so you get /insim=29999
OMSI - Der Omnibussimulator
- Copy the "FanaLEDs.dll" and "FanaLEDs.opl" file from the "additional\Omnibus Simulator" folder in the Fanaleds installation folder.
- Paste the two files in the plugins folder in the installation folder for OMSI. Example: D:\OMSI\plugins
In order to get the RevLEDs working in Live for Speed you will need a custom profile. Download one here.
Project C.A.R.S.
- Enable the shared memory option under "Options > Gameplay > Use Shared Memory"
- After you have enabled the shared memory, you have to disable the native support to cancel interference. Go to "Options>Controls>Configure>RPM/Gear Display", and disable it.
Project CARS 2
Go the the 'SYSTEM' settings in the game.
- Find the 'Shared Memory' option, and select 'Project CARS 2'.
If you're using a Fanatec wheel you will have to disable the native support from the game to prevent interference. Go to the options screen, and select 'CONTROLS' and then 'Configuration'.
- Find the 'RPM/Gear display' setting, and select 'No'.
You should now be ready to go!
rFactor / Automobilista
- Before playing you need to install the rFactor plugin. This file should be located in the "additional\rFactor plugin" folder in the Fanaleds installation path.
- Copy the "FanaLEDsPlugin.dll" file to your "rFactor\Plugins" folder. Example: D:\rFactor\Plugins
rFactor 2
- Before playing you need to install the rFactor plugin. This file should be located in the "additional\rFactor2 plugin" folder in the Fanaleds installation path.
- Copy the "FanaLEDsPlugin.dll" file to your "rFactor2\bin32\Plugins" folder. Example: D:\rFactor2\bin32\Plugins
- For x64, Copy the "FanaLEDsPlugin_x64.dll" file to your "rFactor2\bin64\Plugins" folder. Example: D:\rFactor2\bin64\Plugins
Navigate to "rFactor2\UserData\Controller\ClubSport Wheel.ini" and look for these two lines:
- Use Additional Hardware Features="1" // Whether to use additional hardware features like steering wheel LEDs
- Hardware 3Digit Display="1" // If hardware has 3-digit display, 0=off, 1=gear, 2=speed
If you change the "1" values to "0", native support will no longer be enabled so it does not interfere with Fanaleds.
Note: If you're using a custom profile, edit the corresponding .ini file!
rFactor PRO
- Before playing you need to install the rFactor plugin. This file should be located in the "additional\rFactor Pro plugin" folder in the Fanaleds installation path.
- Copy the "FanaLEDsPlugin.dll" file to your "rFactorPro\bin32\Plugins" folder. Example: D:\rFactorPro\bin32\Plugins
- For x64, Copy the "FanaLEDsPlugin_x64.dll" file to your "rFactorPro\bin64\Plugins" folder. Example: D:\rFactorPro\bin64\Plugins
Navigate to "rFactorPro\UserData\Controller\ClubSport Wheel.ini" and look for these two lines:
- Use Additional Hardware Features="1" // Whether to use additional hardware features like steering wheel LEDs
- Hardware 3Digit Display="1" // If hardware has 3-digit display, 0=off, 1=gear, 2=speed
If you change the "1" values to "0", native support will no longer be enabled so it does not interfere with Fanaleds.
Note: If you're using a custom profile, edit the corresponding .ini file!
Richard Burns Rally
- Before you're able to use Fanaleds with Richard Burns Rally you have to install a plugin. This file should be located in the "additonal\RichardBurnsRally" folder in the Fanaleds installation path.
- Copy the "d3d9.dll" and "gidll_config.txt" files to the installation path of your game where the .exe file is to run the game. Example: D:\Richard Burns Rally
Rigs of Rods
Before you can use Fanaleds with Rigs of Rods you have to alter the RoR.cfg file. Example: C:\Users\your username\Documents\Rigs of Rods 0.38\config\RoR.cfg
Look for the lines below:
- OutGauge Delay=
- OutGauge ID=
- OutGauge IP=
- OutGauge Mode=
- OutGauge Port=
Change the values to:
- OutGauge Delay=1
- OutGauge ID=0
- OutGauge IP=
- OutGauge Mode=2
- OutGauge Port=30000
- Save and close the file.
If your config file does not have these values, add them.
Simbin (RACE/GTR)
- Before starting Fanaleds you have to edit your .PLR file. Example: D:\GTR2\UserData\your username\your username.PLR
- Open this file with for example Notepad. Look for the "Write Shared Memory" line. Change the "0" to a "1".